Friday, October 30, 2015

Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Why wait until the New Year to set a weight loss goal?   I would like to avoid gaining the average 10 pounds a person can expect to gain over the months of November and December.   So I need to make a plan and put some action behind it.    Here are some tips I came up with to help us all stay on track.

1.  Have a plan for fitness.   Plan to workout at home, go for a walk or run, or hit the gym for at least 30 minutes 5 or 6 days a week.

2.  Have a plan for nutrition.  Meal plan on the weekend.   Make sure you shop and prep the food ahead of time for easy access.   Cook chicken and portion it out ahead of time.   Cut up vegetables and fruit and use ziplock bags for easy storage.   Know what you are going to eat and how much.   

3.  Be accountable.   You've got goals, shout them out!   Tell a friend or spouse, post to social media.  Find a small group of like minded individuals to help keep you accountable.

4.  Drink your water.   Current recommendation are to divide your current weight by 2 and drink that amount in ounces of water.   For example if you weigh 150 pounds you should be drinking 75 ounces of water each day.  

5. Eliminate temptation.   Donate treats that are still in your house to a local food pantry.   Don't buy what you know you can't manage.   You control what goes in your shopping cart and it has to start there.  

These are just a handful.   Do you have tips of your own?  Share them below!   I would love to hear from you.  

Losing weight during the Holidays can happen.   Stop guessing what needs to be done and make a plan.   Fill out my form below and I will connect you with simple nutrition and fitness that works!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

So you want to be a stay at home mom?

When I grow up I want to be a_______. For me the answer was always a stay at home mom. One thing I loved about my child hood was my mom was always there when I got off the bus give or take a few days. That is one of my good memories of growing up.
So when I had Sydney back in 1999 that's exactly what I did. Tim and I sacrificed a lot so I could be at home. Then kids 2, 3 and "Oh my word Paige isn't even 1 yet and I'm pregnant," number 4 child came along. Then we really couldn't afford to pay for all the daycare costs so I continued to stay at home.
Now I have had times where I have gone to work to make ends meet. But my hearts desire is at home.
So in 2011 when I was looking for a way to earn extra money and the opportunity to become a coach came up I took a leap of faith.
4 years later it's still the best decision I ever made.
I continue to make more money staying home than I would going to work.
So you want to be a stay at home mom? So you want to earn money while you stay at home? So you want to replace your full or part time income and come home?
So you should think about coaching. Now hiring mompreuneurs. Let's connect!

Email me at
Comment below and I will be in touch!