Tuesday, May 12, 2015

From depressed mom to empowered coach! How Beachbody coaching changed my life. For real!

2011 I was DEPRESSED. My marriage was in a bad place. I didn't know myself. I did not recognize myself when I looked in the mirror. I tried to find some pictures of me, but I was hiding. Hiding behind people. Hiding myself. 
Looking back I had NO idea how starting P90X would change my life so completely. While my husband and I received counseling and healed our marriage. I needed something for myself.

I completed P90X and had great results. I was looking for a way to earn money from home. I have a strong desire to be a stay at home MOM, but also contribute to the family finances. My coach Joline offered the opportunity to me several times. You might be surprised that I said NO, several times. I didn't want to be a yucky salesman. I wanted a legitimate way to earn income from home. What I didn't know is that the coaching opportunity was my answer.

October 2011 I said YES. Reflecting back again I had no idea how this would dramatically change my life. The doors were opened wide to helping several women to lose weight and in turn change their lives. I have had countless conversations with women which gives me the opportunity to speak TRUTH into their lives. THEY matter no matter what the scale says, no matter how much they weigh. They have value! What a privilege to speak TRUTH. See I believe that weight loss, and getting healthy are emotional and spiritual as well as physical.
3 years later I can see how God is using me. Becoming a coach just gave me a platform to speak truth. I earn a decent income all from home! I am a confident leader of a growing team. I get to be a part of life change. What a blessing!

My team is having a 5 day sneak peek into coaching. I want to invite you to check us out. To ask questions. To be informed. So if you are into fitness. You want to earn an income from home that is legit. You have a desire to pay it forward and help others. Then YOU don't want to miss this! 

Please comment below so we can connect and you can have your own platform for your own message!   I look forward to hearing from you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

30 Day Busy Moms Group

I don't know about you, but I look at my calendar this time of year and it is full! Getting my daily workout in makes me a better mom, wife, friend, sister and all around a happier person. I need the endorphins. I have to make it a priority. 

I am looking for 10 busy moms to join me. Moms who need energy, encouragement and empowerment. Moms who desire to lose weight and learn how to eat right.

Together we will follow a fitness program, a clean eating menu, and we will work together to reach our goals. We start together. We finish together. We start May 24th. Space is limited and these groups fill up fast! Fill out this form to be considered.

No obligation let's just chat about your goals and see if this is a fit for you!

Busy moms challenge

* indicates required
Are you currently working with a Beachbody Coach?
What is the best way to connect?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Grace for the Race

Today I was on the phone with a friend.  Someone who has recently gained back the weight she had lost.   She was asking me for advice on what she should do to get back on track.   As we are were discussing her options, I reflected on my own journey.   I reflected on other people whose paths have I have crossed.  Truly in the 3 years I have been a coach I KNOW that this path to being healthy is a spriritual, physical and emotional journey.   Do we take time to address the spiritual or emotional?  


My coach Joline and I want to host you on a 5 day journey.   5 devotional thoughts that can prepare you to take the first step.   Our hope for you is that you find grace and learn to love the journey you are on.   

Start smart with us!  Fill out the form below and I will be in touch with details!
Please add my email address getfitwithbetsy@gmail.com to your address book and look for my email with instructions on how to be added to my private Facebook group!  You can request to be added to my group today!   

Grace for the race

* indicates required
Are you working with a Beachbody Coach?