Monday, November 16, 2015

I've Got A Secret Stash

It is the most wonderful time of the year!   It's also the most busy, crazy, sometimes stressful time of the year!  Wise words from a friend of mine tell me that maybe the BEST time to take care of yourself is NOW!  Why wait until the day after Christmas to put your game face on.   Start now!  Or better yet.... start with me on November 30th.

One of the perks of my job is that from time to time the company gives us gifts.   I can turn around and give these gifts to you.
These gifts are available on as first come first serve basis.   

I have P90X  retail value $119
I have P90X2 retail value $119
I have P90X Plus retail value $60
I have a red gift bag retail value ???

How do you qualify to receive one of these gifts?

Join me November 30th for 21 days of fitness.  (purchase required)
We will be done before Christmas I promise!

Fill out the form using this link ---->

Or email at 

Are you ready?

Friday, October 30, 2015

Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Why wait until the New Year to set a weight loss goal?   I would like to avoid gaining the average 10 pounds a person can expect to gain over the months of November and December.   So I need to make a plan and put some action behind it.    Here are some tips I came up with to help us all stay on track.

1.  Have a plan for fitness.   Plan to workout at home, go for a walk or run, or hit the gym for at least 30 minutes 5 or 6 days a week.

2.  Have a plan for nutrition.  Meal plan on the weekend.   Make sure you shop and prep the food ahead of time for easy access.   Cook chicken and portion it out ahead of time.   Cut up vegetables and fruit and use ziplock bags for easy storage.   Know what you are going to eat and how much.   

3.  Be accountable.   You've got goals, shout them out!   Tell a friend or spouse, post to social media.  Find a small group of like minded individuals to help keep you accountable.

4.  Drink your water.   Current recommendation are to divide your current weight by 2 and drink that amount in ounces of water.   For example if you weigh 150 pounds you should be drinking 75 ounces of water each day.  

5. Eliminate temptation.   Donate treats that are still in your house to a local food pantry.   Don't buy what you know you can't manage.   You control what goes in your shopping cart and it has to start there.  

These are just a handful.   Do you have tips of your own?  Share them below!   I would love to hear from you.  

Losing weight during the Holidays can happen.   Stop guessing what needs to be done and make a plan.   Fill out my form below and I will connect you with simple nutrition and fitness that works!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

So you want to be a stay at home mom?

When I grow up I want to be a_______. For me the answer was always a stay at home mom. One thing I loved about my child hood was my mom was always there when I got off the bus give or take a few days. That is one of my good memories of growing up.
So when I had Sydney back in 1999 that's exactly what I did. Tim and I sacrificed a lot so I could be at home. Then kids 2, 3 and "Oh my word Paige isn't even 1 yet and I'm pregnant," number 4 child came along. Then we really couldn't afford to pay for all the daycare costs so I continued to stay at home.
Now I have had times where I have gone to work to make ends meet. But my hearts desire is at home.
So in 2011 when I was looking for a way to earn extra money and the opportunity to become a coach came up I took a leap of faith.
4 years later it's still the best decision I ever made.
I continue to make more money staying home than I would going to work.
So you want to be a stay at home mom? So you want to earn money while you stay at home? So you want to replace your full or part time income and come home?
So you should think about coaching. Now hiring mompreuneurs. Let's connect!

Email me at
Comment below and I will be in touch!

Monday, September 7, 2015

5 minute plank workout

This 5 minute plank workout is a great addition to any workout and will get your core feeling tight.

Start with 1 minute full plank

30 second elbow plank

leg raise plank 30 seconds each leg

1 minute side plank  both sides

end with a 30 second elbow plank

Let me know in the comments what you thought!

Be sure to check back here for more free workouts.

Are you ready to JUMP START your weight loss in a healthy, safe, long-term way?   LET'S CONNECT HERE

Thursday, August 6, 2015

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things! Birthday Edition

Today is my birthday!   I thought I would share with you a few things I am madly in love with!   First up is the new Shakeology Boosts!   I just got back from vacation and I have to say.   Not a lot of veggies were eaten.   So today I added a full serving of leafy green vegetables to my Shakeology.   Now I know what you are thinking.   How does it taste?   Honestly I don't notice a flavor change at all!   Here is the scoop:

Power Greens Boost contains veggies like cucumber, kale, and spinach to deliver a full serving of vegetables in each scoop. Plus, this potent Boost supports the body's natural acid/alkaline balance.

There are other options as well:

Focused Energy boost :This unique formula is designed to deliver a wholesome boost of energy. The energy comes from 100 mg of natural caffeine from guarana and green tea. This Boost also supports mental clarity, alertness, and focus.  

Digestive Health boost: With a unique blend of 7 grams of both soluble AND insoluble fiber packed into every single scoop, this formula stands apart from typical fiber supplements that contain only soluble fiber. This powerful boost helps support regularity and digestive health

You can read more about it here  SHAKEOLOGY BOOSTS

I have to say I am absolutely in LOVE with Beachbody On Demand!   They have added it to Roku, Amazon Fire TV and Chromecast.   They have a HUGE library of full fitness programs PLUS my programs I have purchased such as 21 Day Fix,  T25, and many more!    This month they are adding new and exclusive content from Celebrity Trainers Autumn Calabrese, Tony Horton and Sagi Kalev!   Plus more exclusive content from Master Trainers!   You can read all about Beachbody on Demand here---->  Click this!

Want to purchase Shakeology Boosts?    Use these links    Power Greens   Digestive Health     Focused Energy

Want to sign up for a 30 day FREE trial of Beachbody on Demand?

Monday, June 1, 2015

How will you manage your kids device time this summer?

Remember the days when watching TV was the only option?   We had 2 channels.   I spent my summer watching Days of Our Lives because there was NOTHING on!   Now we not only do we have hundreds of channels to choose from, but there is YouTube, and Pinterest, and Instagram, and Facebook and well you get this picture.  

I know what is on my mind this summer.   How will I monitor the kids and their device time?   I have 4 kids and they are all grade school age and older.   My son is the most affected when it comes to too much device time.    He is moody, grumpy, and out of sorts if he spends too much time.

Unless we make a deliberate effort to have a plan for our device time it won't happen.

I am curious to hear from you.

How do you monitor your kids device time?

Does it affect your kids mood if they spend too much time on it?

How do you keep up with all of it?   Snapchat, Vines, Instagram, email, texting

Are you overwhelmed?

We are having a discussion on my Facebook Page this week.   I'd love for you to join us!

We are the first generation to parent this issue.   I know as a fellow parent I can use all the help I can get.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

From depressed mom to empowered coach! How Beachbody coaching changed my life. For real!

2011 I was DEPRESSED. My marriage was in a bad place. I didn't know myself. I did not recognize myself when I looked in the mirror. I tried to find some pictures of me, but I was hiding. Hiding behind people. Hiding myself. 
Looking back I had NO idea how starting P90X would change my life so completely. While my husband and I received counseling and healed our marriage. I needed something for myself.

I completed P90X and had great results. I was looking for a way to earn money from home. I have a strong desire to be a stay at home MOM, but also contribute to the family finances. My coach Joline offered the opportunity to me several times. You might be surprised that I said NO, several times. I didn't want to be a yucky salesman. I wanted a legitimate way to earn income from home. What I didn't know is that the coaching opportunity was my answer.

October 2011 I said YES. Reflecting back again I had no idea how this would dramatically change my life. The doors were opened wide to helping several women to lose weight and in turn change their lives. I have had countless conversations with women which gives me the opportunity to speak TRUTH into their lives. THEY matter no matter what the scale says, no matter how much they weigh. They have value! What a privilege to speak TRUTH. See I believe that weight loss, and getting healthy are emotional and spiritual as well as physical.
3 years later I can see how God is using me. Becoming a coach just gave me a platform to speak truth. I earn a decent income all from home! I am a confident leader of a growing team. I get to be a part of life change. What a blessing!

My team is having a 5 day sneak peek into coaching. I want to invite you to check us out. To ask questions. To be informed. So if you are into fitness. You want to earn an income from home that is legit. You have a desire to pay it forward and help others. Then YOU don't want to miss this! 

Please comment below so we can connect and you can have your own platform for your own message!   I look forward to hearing from you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

30 Day Busy Moms Group

I don't know about you, but I look at my calendar this time of year and it is full! Getting my daily workout in makes me a better mom, wife, friend, sister and all around a happier person. I need the endorphins. I have to make it a priority. 

I am looking for 10 busy moms to join me. Moms who need energy, encouragement and empowerment. Moms who desire to lose weight and learn how to eat right.

Together we will follow a fitness program, a clean eating menu, and we will work together to reach our goals. We start together. We finish together. We start May 24th. Space is limited and these groups fill up fast! Fill out this form to be considered.

No obligation let's just chat about your goals and see if this is a fit for you!

Busy moms challenge

* indicates required
Are you currently working with a Beachbody Coach?
What is the best way to connect?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Grace for the Race

Today I was on the phone with a friend.  Someone who has recently gained back the weight she had lost.   She was asking me for advice on what she should do to get back on track.   As we are were discussing her options, I reflected on my own journey.   I reflected on other people whose paths have I have crossed.  Truly in the 3 years I have been a coach I KNOW that this path to being healthy is a spriritual, physical and emotional journey.   Do we take time to address the spiritual or emotional?  


My coach Joline and I want to host you on a 5 day journey.   5 devotional thoughts that can prepare you to take the first step.   Our hope for you is that you find grace and learn to love the journey you are on.   

Start smart with us!  Fill out the form below and I will be in touch with details!
Please add my email address to your address book and look for my email with instructions on how to be added to my private Facebook group!  You can request to be added to my group today!   

Grace for the race

* indicates required
Are you working with a Beachbody Coach?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Piyo! A high intensity low impact workout.

I completed Piyo during the summer.   I started in July and finished in September.   This workout made me stronger.    It made my abs flatter.   I was more flexible.   I enjoyed working out.    Bottom line it gave me results and I felt good doing it!

What is PiYo? 
PiYo is a low-impact, high-intensity body-transformation program. It uses the most effective Pilates- and yoga-inspired moves set to a fast pace to help you burn fat while you sculpt long, lean muscles. 

Why is PiYo effective? 
PiYo delivers the muscle-sculpting, core-focused benefits of Pilates along with the flexibility and power of yoga. PiYo’s low-impact compound exercises engage multiple muscle groups at the same time—while keeping your body in constant motion. As you progress from one fluid movement to the next without rest, you’ll maintain an optimal heart rate to incinerate calories throughout the whole workout!

Watch this!


8 workouts plus 1 bonus workout on 3 DVDs These low-impact, high-intensity body-weight workouts get you the results of extreme programs, without the jumps, weights, or strain on your joints. 

 PiYo Quick Start Guide Everything you need to know to get started. Includes valuable insider tips to get your best results possible. 

PiYo Workout Calendar Chalene arranged the workouts to make sure you progress each week as you build up your strength, flexibility, and stamina. 

Get Lean Eating Plan A simplified approach to clean and lean eating designed to fit your lifestyle—and your taste buds. Tape Measure Track your progress as you melt the fat away faster than you ever imagined.

A 30 day supply of Shakeology!

Plus a FREE 30 day subscription to Beachbody on Demand!

Me as your FREE coach.   I will have a Piyo group starting soon.  Contact me so I can get you added to my private group on Facebook.

Order your Piyo kit today!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Is this the tool you need to finally learn portion control?

When I first started my weight loss journey, I was a big fan of counting calories.    If you bite it your write it.   If you snack it you track it.   This was a great thing.   I lost weight.  Success happened.   And then I got tired of it.   I swear if I have to count one more calorie this is what might happen.  

Now I have a better way!   

If it fits in the box, you can eat it.   Simple as that!
Combine this tool with 30 minutes of exercise daily and you have a powerful combination.  And guess what I don't have to track a single calorie!

This program is so popular I am able to start a group once a week.  If you would like to join me for my next group, please fill out this form and I will be in touch!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

30 Day Push Bootcamp

Starting April 6th we are going on a 30 day journey.   Fitness.  Nutrition.  Habits.

You will be provided with the tools that will help you succeed.

Beachbody on Demand (read more about that here) will provide the fitness.

Meal planning and Shakeology will provide the nutrition.

We will be reading daily from Chalene Johnson's book PUSH.  
You can also subscribe to her 30 day push online.

Want to join us?   Fill out this form and I will be in touch.

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Start Streaming Your Workouts Today!

Starting March 25th, 2015 your club membership includes 30 days FREE access to Beachbody on Demand!

What is Beachbody On Demand?

Beachbody On Demand is a new feature of the Team Beachbody Club that
provides unlimited access to stream Beachbody's proven fitness programs.
Premium Team Beachbody Club members will be able to work out anytime,
anywhere. Users will need access to high speed internet and a connected
computer or mobile device in order to stream workouts Beachbody
On Demand includes many of Beachbody's most popular fitness programs
in the Member Library, making Beachbody programs easy to access anywhere
an internet connection is available.

What are the benefits of Premium Club membership?

Access to Beachbody On Demand, where you can stream hundreds of workouts in the Beachbody Member Library. That means you'll never miss a workout, because you can take them with you! It allows you to work out anywhere you have an Internet connection: at home, at the gym, outdoors, even on vacation.

Online access to all the step-by-step program guides, workout calendars, and nutrition plans that come with the streaming workouts. You get the workouts PLUS the materials that make Beachbody programs the #1 home fitness programs on earth.

 Personalized meal plans that you can customize for your lifestyle and preferences. Learn proper nutrition to help you reach your goals and maximize your results.

10% discount on purchases in the Team Beachbody store. Yes, even Shakeology!

VIP access to live monthly chats with your favorite trainers, like Shaun T, Tony Horton, Autumn Calabrese, and Chalene Johnson.

Your own personal Coach for guidance and support.

Access to the online SuperGym, where you can schedule and log your workouts and easily track your progress.

Message Boards and chatrooms to help you find new friends and workout partners, and get advice and support from the entire community.

Watch this!

Ready to start streaming now?
Click here

Looking for a better deal?   Get a bag of Shakeology with your club membership!

Click here

Sunday, February 22, 2015

It's Time to Eat Clean

I don't know about you, but I know I need to get back on track with my eating habits.  Spring is here!  Summer is coming.  Are you ready to set the tone for this month?  If so, I have a solution for you.

Starting April 1st I will be opening a group and I have a seat with your name on it.  I will provide you with:
  • a grocery list
  • a meal plan
  • a fun and motivating group
I need you to commit to:
  • grocery shopping so you are prepared
  • being an active participant in the group
  • supporting and encouraging others in the group so we can all be successful.
If this sounds like just what you need fill out this form

I look forward to eating clean with you!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme! Coming February 2015

What makes 21 Day Fix EXTREME incredibly effective and unique?

You get seven EXTREME 30-minute workouts, one for each day of the week— so your mind never gets bored, and your body never adapts. The workouts feature a unique blend of steady-state aerobics, resistance training, and explosive power moves that target every muscle in the body—to help you get shredded fast.

 For your nutrition, you’ll not only be practicing portion control—you’ll be eating ONLY clean foods. No treats. No cheats. No excuses. Plus, you’ll get Autumn’s all-new 21 Day Fix EXTREME recipes to help you achieve your very best results. • No other program has you eating this well and working this hard. But if you want a lean six-pack, cut arms, ripped shoulders, and toned legs . . . you have to take it up a notch. It’s going to take guts, intensity, and drive. But, it’s only 21 days. You can do this. body—to help you get shredded fast.

What’s in the 21 Day Fix EXTREME Challenge Pack?

7 color-coded portioncontrol containers plus 25-oz Shakeology shaker cup
No more counting calories or guessing how much you can eat. These simple
containers do the work for you!

6 workouts plus 1 bonus workout on 2 DVDs

21 Day Fix EXTREME Start Here Guide- This simple quick start guide and workout calendar tell you all you need to start getting shredded from the very first day.

21 Day Fix EXTREME Eating Plan-The 21 Day Fix EXTREME Eating Plan is just as hardcore as the workouts! 100% clean eating—no cheats, no treats, no excuses.

Countdown to Competition- When Autumn has a big competition or photo shoot
coming up, she turns to her own secret meal plan to achieve next-level body-shredding results.

 Shakeology® (30 day supply) is an important part of the 21 Day Fix EXTREME Eating Plan

Who should buy the program?
21 Day Fix EXTREME is ideal for those with a dramatic short-term 
weight loss deadline--such as an upcoming vacation, photo shoot, or other 
big event. It's an excellent next step for 21 Day Fix graduates ready 
for a new challenge or graduates of other extreme programs like P90X,
Insanity, and FOCUS T25. Fix Extreme is also great for those who don't
have much weight to lose, but want to get shredded and see abs; those
with a "no BS" attitude toward workouts and nutrition; or anyone who doesn't 
want to count calories,weigh their food, or follow complicated recipes.

Want to join me February 9th in a private Facebook group as we go through the program together?

Fill out this form:

UPDATE!  21 Day Fix Extreme is now available.    Use this link to order!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

An introverted coach?

I am an introvert.   I like to be at home with my family.   I enjoy deep meaningful conversation.  I dislike small talk.   I love people.   I love being around groups of people.   I just feel recharged when I am alone.    

I am a coach.   I meet new people everyday.   I help people reach their health and fitness goals.   I help people be successful.   I am passionate about my coaching.

I want you to know that all kinds of people make great coaches.   Extroverts and introverts.   This business suits me because I can do it from home.   I can connect with people on my time.   

In fact I just got back from Lincoln, NE from a Super Saturday event.   It was awesome to be in a group of like minded people.   It was great to workout LIVE with Shaun T.  It fueled me to go home and keep reaching out to people.   There are lots of people out there who are just looking to connect with someone.   Even introverts can do that.   Thankfully we can do it from home!

If you have any questions about coaching or what it means to be a coach.  I would love to connect with you!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Beachbody on Demand! Team Beachbody is going DIGITAL!

What is Beachbody On Demand?
Beachbody On Demand is a new feature of the Team Beachbody Club that provides unlimited access to
stream Beachbody's  proven fitness programs. Paid Team Beachbody Club Members will be able to work
 out anytime, anywhere. Beachbody. On Demand includes many of Beachbody's most popular fitness
programs in the digital library, making Beachbody programs easy to access anywhere an internet
connection is available.

How will it work?
Team Beachbody members will automatically have unlimited access to stream workouts from a list
of Beachbody's most popular fitness programs. Once logged into, Club members
 will select the Start Streaming tab from the home page, choose any fitness program in the streaming library,
 and stream any workout from the program!

What fitness programs will be available in the Beachbody digital library?
Immediately upon Beachbody On Demand launch, Club members will have unlimited access to
stream many of Beachbody's best sellers. Additionally, to give Club members a taste of some of
 Beachbody's newest and bestselling programs before they buy, there will be individual sample
workouts available to stream. The following unlimited access fitness programs will be available
to stream at launch in March 2015:

Unlimited Access Fitness Programs:
P90X, P90X2, P90X3, Insanity, Les Mills Pump, Les Mills Combat, Ten Minute Trainer,
ChaLEAN Extreme, Asylum Vol 1, Tony One-on-One (vol 1) and Hip Hop Abs.

To get access to Beachbody On Demand you will need to be a paid club member.
Get your club membership here:

When will Beachbody On Demand Launch?
Beachbody On Demand is expected to launch spring 2015!